Access Keys:

St Joseph's PS, Donagh, Donagh, Enniskillen


In St. Joseph's Primary School the staff are committed to ensuring that all children feel happy, safe and secure.

Our safeguarding team work consistently to ensure that all children are kept safe.

Our Designated Teacher for Child Protection is Mrs Sharon Conlon and the Deputy Designated Teacher is Mrs Noeleen King.

Mrs. Christina Grue is the Board of Governors representative for Child Protection and Mrs Anna McDermott is the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.

A copy of the school's Child Protection Policy is available to view under Policies or on request from the School Office.

When a parent has a concern about a child's welfare, they should contact the class teacher or the Principal to investigate the matter.

Our school is an Operation Encompass School. 

Operation Encompass is an early intervention partnership between Police and Schools. It is aimed at supporting children who are victims of domestic violence.