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St Joseph's PS, Donagh, Donagh, Enniskillen

Teachers' Strike Tuesday 21st February 2023

9th Feb 2023

Dear Parent(s)

As you may be aware, the three main teaching unions in N. Ireland (INTO, UTU and the NASUWT) have announced a half day strike on Tuesday 21st February 2023.

I am writing to update you on our plans for that day.

  • Our school will open at 12 noon.

 (Children are not to be dropped off before then as there will be no supervision)

  • The EA School Bus will not be available to bring children to school at the later start time but will be available to bring children home that evening. The Ballagh Bus will be available to collect children from 11.45am onwards and home again that evening.
  • Any child wishing to take school dinners that day must notify their class teacher on Monday 20th. This includes those entitled to Free School Meals.
  • Dinners will be served from 12.30pm.

Please note there will be no swimming lessons that day for the P.6 and P.7 children.

We look forward to welcoming the children at 12.00pm that day.