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St Joseph's PS, Donagh, Donagh, Enniskillen

Credit Union Quiz

7th Mar 2023

Congratulations to the P6 & 7 pupils who attended the ‘Chapter Level’ of the Credit Union Quiz, in Garvaghy last Sunday 5th March. The U-11 team (Philip McCorry, Aiden Lynch, Joanne Smyth & Eamon Óg Maguire) achieved 3rd place - very impressive considering there were 10 teams in their section and ours being the only ‘small school’ to qualify for this section. The children from our school were presented with goodies from the Tyrone & Fermanagh Credit Union representatives. Well done also, to the U-13 team (Erin Gunn, CJ Maguire, Jack McArdle and Paraic O’Reilly) You did us proud!☺️👏🏼