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St Joseph's PS, Donagh, Donagh, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

29th Apr 2024
The boys and girls in Primary 7 got very creative making their own Titanic boat...
24th Apr 2024
Today our P7 class and P7 St Mary's Newtownbutler were kindly invited by Fr. Kevin...
24th Apr 2024
Primary 5 and 6 had lots of fun dancing in the sun today with Sasha from Core Kids...
23rd Apr 2024
Congratulations to our winners of the book cover competition. Here are a few pictures...
22nd Apr 2024
FAO Parents/ Guardians of pupils who are currently in P.6
22nd Apr 2024
We took advantage of the dry day to carry out our measuring activities outside. Our...
19th Apr 2024
Our eco-council were busy today planting bulbs and flowers. 
19th Apr 2024
Thank you kindly to all local businesses who have generously donated prizes for...