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St Joseph's PS, Donagh, Donagh, Enniskillen


2022/2023 School Year

1st Mar 2023
Our Irish classes started on Wednesday 28th February with Primary 5, 6 and 7. Each...
28th Feb 2023
Gaelic training for P5, P6 & P7 girls and boys will take place at Louis Leonard...
27th Feb 2023
Below is a list of past Credit Union Quiz questions for those of you who have qualified...
27th Feb 2023
Primary 7 welcomed Alan from Fermanagh and Omagh PCSP who talked to them all about...
24th Feb 2023
The winning house enjoying their hot chololate and treats.
24th Feb 2023
Over the past few weeks, P.3/4 have been learning all about Pirates. To complete...
23rd Feb 2023
Dress up as your favourite book/story/nursery rhyme character next Thursday 2nd...
20th Feb 2023
Any P.5, P.6 or P.7 children who are interested in becoming an Altar Server in the...